Osgar und Adolf
A.D. Condo has been very good to us here at Barnacle Press. As we look at the calendar in disbelief (has it really been three years??) it only seems natural to tip our hat once again to a creation of one of the all-time greats. This time around we're examining Osgar Und Adolf, a daily strip that ran from 1911 to 1915. Perhaps the antics of the titular German duo alone would have been enough to entertain us, these guys are pretty crazy left to their own devices...but no, Condo and his partner on the strip, Fred Schaefer, had other plans. Why not cram in as many beloved characters as possible? Diana Dillpickles? Sure, why not? Mr. Skygack? Oh, yeah, let's get him in there. And the big man himself? Oh, you best believe Everett True has been invited to this party. It's a surreal affair (though perhaps not as surreal as when the duo and Everett show up for a month or so in a 1969 Alley Oop adventure) with all these guest stars and more dropping in to cause trouble. The initial storyline concerns Osgar and Adolf operating a "dirty spoon", but it is soon closed down and they are forced to spread their madness elsewhere. They spend quite a bit of time at the ol' ballpark, for one. The whole affair is a lot of fun and I can't think of a better way to celebrate our anniversary than with this bunch of rowdy miscreants.
By A.D. Condo