Archive for September 23, 2012

Sunday Song: Can’t You Hear The Bell Ring?

Lazyest Gallery cannot access Various Platinum Age/

New Strip! The Summer Girl!

As we begin to feel autumn’s chill in the air, some of us will certainly turn our gaze back wishing we could spend just a few more moments in those final days of summer, already disappearing into memory.  What of that Summer Girl?  Gone before we’d barely had the chance to get to know her.  Will we ever see her again?

Only time will tell, but I feel pretty confident we will be seeing Eleanor Schorer on this site again. And soon.


It’s All Abie, All the Time!

Today brings us a couple of dozen more opportunities to laugh along with Abie the Agent! To be honest, I forgot that I’d already put some up this week. But I’m sure you won’t begrudge his company, will you? Start with the strip below and continue on to the end of 1915!


Everett Truesday: From Diana’s Diary Super Crossover Spectacular

Fate Casts Miss Dillpickles Into The Hospitable But Hostile Home Of Everett True, But She Survives To Tell The Tale: a melodrama in six parts. Click on the image below and go from there.

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Geevalt! It’s Abie!

The perfect thing for a Monday morning: nothing makes you feel better about your job than laughing at Abie’s travails at his. Selling the Complex is an uphill battle, especially when that louse Sparkbaum sticks his nose into things! Start with the strip below and follow it until the end of February 1915!
