Archive for Photos of Cartoonists

Dreamy Dave naps again!


Dreams do come true! It seems like only yesterday I was wondering what those “lost” Dreamy Dave strips might be like and now they’re here for everyone to enjoy. They are pretty much what you’d expect, though the jam page above is a very nice surprise, complete with a photo of Charles H. Wellington (among others). The new Dave strips start here.

Also featured in the above are characters from Dink Shannon’s Sammy Small, as well as his Mr. Pest – Book Agent, John E. Bernier’s Peter Barnum Botts, Ed A. Goewey’s Do You Remember Your Kid Days?, Johnny Gruelle’s Cousin Bud, and Wellington’s Grandma’s Girl.

Sunday Short: The Nine Lives of Kitty Kat


Frederick White kreated kute kitties for the kiddos and then konkluded it would fun to kill them off daily. Enjoy.

Men Behind the Cardboard


Featuring Charles Dana Gibson, James Montgomery Flagg, John T. McCutcheon, Orson Lowell, R. F. Outcault, George McManus, E. W. Kemble, F. T. Richards, Wallace Morgan, and W. A. Rogers.

Gibson’s A Widow and Her Friends!

Lazyest Gallery cannot access Gibson, Charles Dana/

This one is long overdue; tonight is the grand opening of our Charles Dana Gibson archive! To honor an artist of this stature, we’re kicking it off with a complete 24 part story: A Widow and Her Friends. This story was originally published at the turn of the century, but I luckily stumbled upon a weekly reprint from 1913. This series of illustrations was extremely popular in its day; it’s not hard to see why. Enjoy!

The Artists of The Washington Times Circa 1918


Featuring John T. McCutcheon, Tad Dorgan, Carey Orr, Clare Briggs, E. A. Batchelor, Hal Coffman, Jack Callahan, Tom McNamara, George Herriman, Harry Hershfield, Cliff Sterrett, Fontaine Fox, Jean Knott, Rube Goldberg, T. E. Powers, and Nell Brinkley.