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Archive for October 30, 2013
Sunday (and more) with the Seals
Quite a while back I posted one of these, but now I have the entire run for you. Start with the one above and work your way forward through the week.
New Strip! Samson the Strong Man!
Oh Splash! It’s Samson the Strong Man! Samson is a forebear of the modern superhero, cut from the same cloth as one of our old favorites, Hugo Hercules (their very names call forth strong men of legend, for crying out loud). Samson made his debut in 1905–an awfully long time ago for sure–but that only earns him the distinction of being one of the earliest supermen of the comics page, beaten to the punch at least by the aforementioned Hugo and the high flying Billy Bounce. My enthusiasm is squelched a bit by the racial stereotyping, but for the sake of superhero history, Samson is an interesting find.
The Royal Treatment
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I recently lamented the fact that I couldn’t find any more comics from the artist behind Clarence Culpepper and His Six Adoring Sisters, but guess what? I took another look and I still couldn’t find any. But I did uncover a number of illustrations, many accompanying articles written by Bonney Royal herself. These are pretty cool, especially if you have a fondness for Chicago.