Archive for September 12, 2012

Life’s Little Events as Captured by James Montgomery Flagg


Who better to give us short, bittersweet glimpses of early 20th Century life in America than an actual American icon?  The man who would soon create the still famous Uncle Sam recruitment poster (based on his own visage), James Montgomery Flagg began illustrating these “little incidents” for newspaper readers in 1913.  The tropes JMF tackles in these snapshots from a century ago are still very much in play today, from youthful fashion upsetting the older generation to the sting of finding that first gray hair.  Needless to say, there’s some crazy talent on display here; do yourself a favor and visit our JMF archive today!


Burst Out Along With Everett!

Twenty-six more strips have been added to the Outbursts of Everett True archives this morning! Everett deals out punishment to landlords, public sots, ambulance-chasing lawyers, and more! The strip of January 21 has a particularly wonderful second panel, and this panel tickles my teetotaling funnybone. There are even a couple of nods to some kind of vigilante progressivism, with Everett coming to the aid of a battered wife (with a sad-but-all-too-common outcome), a frightened child (albeit with a weird mixed message), and giving what-for to a fellow who’s against giving the vote to women.

The pro-suffrage strip is one of several in this installment which were not done by A.D. Condo, but by a fellow named Renfro, a local Seattle talent. But while the other two are clearly marked by Renfro, and are large editorial pieces, the suffragette strip is unsigned but given the standard “Outbursts” label. Weird.

Start with the strip below, and keep reading until the end of March, 1909!

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X Strengthen America X


Sunday Best: James Montgomery Flagg


Just wanted to share a little piece I found on James Montgomery Flagg. Perhaps we’ll be seeing more of his work soon..?

Skygack Friday!

Another week’s flown by, bringing us another step closer to the oblivion that awaits us all, as well as another installment of Mr. Skygack From Mars! This time around, we’ve got our alien reporting on wrestling matches, bathing habits, and Teddy Roosevelt! Start with the strip below and continue until the end of January ’08 with a wonderfully rendered undersea diver!
